It is important to look for and find a well contractor and driller that you can trust and that you can have an easy working relationship with. You will need to trust their judgement and their honesty to do what is right for you, because you'll need to make decisions based upon information and recommendations they provide. One of the best ways to find a good well driller in your area is by asking several friends, neighbours, and local tradespeople to recommend someone (don't just ask who drilled their well!), and call the contractor with the best reputation. However, if you are moving into a new area and don't know anyone, try the Yellow Pages and contact several firms that display the best qualifications and that best answer the questions listed below.
When interviewing any water well contractor, please keep these questions in mind:
- Will they provide you with proof of licensing and insurance?
- Will they give you a free written estimate?
- Will they explain how they will construct the well and allow you to watch the process?
- Will they provide you with a well record? It is required by law and future purchasers of your home will require it from you as a condition of the purchase agreement.
- What kind of guarantee do they provide? Is it provided in writing?
- Are they a full service company that is answerable for all aspects of the job or do they subcontract some of the work?
- What exactly is included in the price they have quoted?
- Will they provide a water well contract?
Knowledge and communication are necessary to provide a water well that will work for your present and any anticipated needs. If a contractor doesn't have time to answer your questions while they are trying to win your business, they won't have time to talk to you after they have your money, which can be frustrating, especially if you're having problems.
Ask for your driller's background education and experience in the groundwater industry. Water well drilling is a very complex and specialized craft. The driller must be knowledgeable in drilling techniques, groundwater flow, geology, and the hydraulics of wells. He also has to know the provincial water well regulations and have some knowledge of the local building, electrical, and plumbing codes.
Try to determine if the drilling contractor will be in business for the long term. Although wells can last indefinitely (the Ministry of the Environment expects a well life of up to 75 years), if something does happen to the well, it is almost impossible to get another firm to work on someone else's well. Ask the contractor for proof of licensing, references, and liability insurance. Professional contractors will also be glad to supply a resume upon request. This will help to ensure that you hire a qualified, competent, and professional company.
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